18 February 2008
two original embroidered designs by my sister Margie
My brother's not the only family member commissioning work for the home. My sister Amy just sent these photos of the pieces our sister Margie made for her. My contribution will be a pillow in plant-dyed yarns possibly à la Vibeke Lind whose book Practical Modern Crochet I spotted in The Runcible Bin a few weeks ago.
Here's a link to a recent article about the architect who designed my brother's house. I'm looking forward to a field trip to the Whitney. Meet me there, Mrs. Lear?
Just because, Kay, this is for you.
Here's a link to a recent article about the architect who designed my brother's house. I'm looking forward to a field trip to the Whitney. Meet me there, Mrs. Lear?
Just because, Kay, this is for you.