17 February 2007

This beautiful fabric (thanks, Kay!) isn't so nice in this scan. Here's a better representation of it along with swatches of artist and designer Kristine Baerlin's Field Study Glimmer collection which is distressingly hard to find. A natural light photo of this square, my others squares and the amazing work of my fellow baby Jane makers can be seen here. These quilters helped my first go at piecing curves go quite nicely. Further encouragement and visual aids in The Modern Quilt Workshop by Weeks Ringle and Bill Kerr helped me to understand how to set the pieces against one another for sewing. A curve isn't a quite a cinch for me, but it's not as hard as it seems and getting it to work is the most satisfying piecing feat I've had yet. However, the teeny tiny triangles like this one by Jennifer of moving hands might be the end of me.