03 July 2006

five wee wonderfuls bunnies

closeup of the felted wool ball tail
MATERIALS: Marcus Brothers woven wool/poly felt, various asian-themed cotton prints, roving for the tails, DMC perle cotton, beads and fabric scraps for front panel decoration, poly stuffing
TOOLS: I used a sewing machine to piece the body and ears, but it could all be done by hand.
PATTERN: Hillary Lang's excellent free pattern available at her weewonderfuls.com site
NOTES: I do wish I had followed Hillary's advice to stuff the bottom of the figures with weighted stuffing, but I'll be making more of these as the mood strikes; these five came together in five consecutive mornings. Choosing fabrics to go with the felt and then picking out motifs from the fabric to decorate the front panels kept me going and going...and going. I like the woven boiled wool better than regular felt for this project because woven fabric will take the stress of firm stuffing better.