22 March 2010
golden boy
mr boy takes a bath
The wonderful women of twist sent back my samples and the smaller one went right into a bath with osage orange and a touch of logwood. Elio loves it. Kolláge recommends drycleaning Hope, but if you factor in some shrinkage (no, I didn't have the foresight to do before and after measurements), I think the yarn washes beautifully. I machine dried the sweater, too to weather the dye a little. The raised, slip stitch of the rib was a little more abraded in the dryer than the recessed rib. This little piece will wear and mellow very nicely.
golden opportunity
Nicole Kielblock, who got me started plant dyeing and who is our school's excellent handwork teacher, is offering a "Sheep to Shawl" course at the Roxborough farmhouse of fellow school parents John and Pat Fiorella. For eight Saturdays (one each month starting April 17, skipping July and August, and resuming in September) adults can take a course that includes shearing, plant dyeing fleece, carding, spinning with a drop spindle and knitting. The first session will take place at Rocky Top Farm. The cost of the course is $400 and includes lunches prepared by Pat, who's a professional caterer, mainly with produce from her own farm garden. Most importantly, you'll be in the hands of one of the most gifted teachers I've ever met. For more information about "Sheep to Shawl" email Nicole at nkielblock at comcast dot net.
The wonderful women of twist sent back my samples and the smaller one went right into a bath with osage orange and a touch of logwood. Elio loves it. Kolláge recommends drycleaning Hope, but if you factor in some shrinkage (no, I didn't have the foresight to do before and after measurements), I think the yarn washes beautifully. I machine dried the sweater, too to weather the dye a little. The raised, slip stitch of the rib was a little more abraded in the dryer than the recessed rib. This little piece will wear and mellow very nicely.
golden opportunity
Nicole Kielblock, who got me started plant dyeing and who is our school's excellent handwork teacher, is offering a "Sheep to Shawl" course at the Roxborough farmhouse of fellow school parents John and Pat Fiorella. For eight Saturdays (one each month starting April 17, skipping July and August, and resuming in September) adults can take a course that includes shearing, plant dyeing fleece, carding, spinning with a drop spindle and knitting. The first session will take place at Rocky Top Farm. The cost of the course is $400 and includes lunches prepared by Pat, who's a professional caterer, mainly with produce from her own farm garden. Most importantly, you'll be in the hands of one of the most gifted teachers I've ever met. For more information about "Sheep to Shawl" email Nicole at nkielblock at comcast dot net.
20 March 2010
rainbow over storm at sea
a wallaby for elio
He was sitting on my lap as I checked the post from the purl bee and asked me to make him one. He checks its progress hourly and won't let me pick up any other knitting. Since I'm happily in the whirl of in-the-round knitting with lovely yarns, I won't be sending up a signal flare anytime soon.

He was sitting on my lap as I checked the post from the purl bee and asked me to make him one. He checks its progress hourly and won't let me pick up any other knitting. Since I'm happily in the whirl of in-the-round knitting with lovely yarns, I won't be sending up a signal flare anytime soon.